FTS-430 Current Driven Airport Lighting

The FTS 430 is a current-driven omnidirectional approach light that identifies runway end or the acquisition of an active runway. It can be used as a simple runway end identifier light (REIL) or complete omnidirectional approach lighting system for runway alignment and runway threshold marking

The flash head and power converter may be mounted together to form a single unit or separately to adapt to specific terrain needs.



Standard Features

  • Compatible with air-to-ground radio controllers and ground-to-ground remote systems
  • Modular design for easy maintenance
  • Longer flashtube life due to low voltage (±500 VDC) required for operation
  • Can be set for single-step or three-step intensity

System Options

  • Component-level technical training available
  • 50 Hz and 60 Hz systems
  • 50 Hz and 60 Hz systems
  • FTC 183 – Remote control and monitoring of approach lights
  • FTC 435 – Automatically changes approach light intensity to match intensity of CCR controlled runway lights
  • FTC 415 – Internal system controlle

Regulatory Compliance

  • ETL-verified to FAA AC 150/5345-51B for L-849 styles B and F
  • Complies with ICAO lighting regulations


Sol by Sunna Design - Commercial Solar Lighting - Orion